Community Profiles
Town of Creighton Official Community Plan
The OCP provides a framework of goals, objectives, and policies for management and use of land, along with its future development, within the Village of Denare Beach municipal boundaries.
Official Development Plans
Greenstone Community Futures Program
Community Futures is a community-based economic renewal initiative funded by the Government of Canada and directed by local volunteer boards.
Flin Flon and District Chamber of Commerce
Promoting trade, commerce and the overall economic welfare of the Flin Flon area.
Saskatchewan First Nations, Métis, and Northern Community Businesses Hub
The SaskMétis will provide procurement managers and buyers with direct access to certified, Saskatchewan-based, Métis businesses in every sector of the economy.
Northern Saskatchewan Administration District
The Northern Saskatchewan Administration District is considered a single northern municipality and includes Northern settlements, resort subdivisions, and upwards of 8,000 properties, including leases and titled properties.
Economic Development & Investment Support
Zoning By-laws
Town of Creighton Zoning By-law
The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate and control the use and development of land and buildings within the Town of Creighton and assist in implementing The Official Community Plan.
Provincial Planning
Saskatchewan Statement of Provincial Interest Regulation
The Provincial Interest Regulation reflects the Saskatchewan government’s interest in land and resource use and sustainable development, and provides policy direction for land use planning.
Manitoba Provincial Land Use Planning Regulation
The Provincial Land Use Policies reflect the Manitoba government’s interest in land and resource use and sustainable development, and provides policy direction for land use planning.
Saskatchewan Provincial Planning & Development Act
The purpose of this legislation is to provide a community planning framework for Saskatchewan that promotes economic growth, environmental sustainability, social and cultural development, and sustainable communities.
Manitoba Provincial Planning Act
The purpose of this legislation is to provide a community planning framework for Manitoba that promotes economic growth, environmental sustainability, social and cultural development, and sustainable communities.
Manitoba Statement on Northern Values
The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate and control the use and development of land and buildings within the Town of Creighton and assist in implementing The Official Community Plan.
Northern Health Region – Indigenous Health Strategy
The Northern Health Region’s Indigenous Health Strategy was developed to address the significant health disparities between the Indigenous population and the non‐Indigenous population of the Northern Health Region (NHR).
Northern Manitoba Tourism Strategy
The Mission is to grow tourism in Northern Manitoba through product development, marketing and leveraging community support.
Look North Economic Development Strategy
This report looks at economic movement in northern
Manitoba. It identifies sustainable and long-term solutions
that lead to economic growth and diversification.
Northern Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration Highlights
Northern Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration Highlights is a monthly publication featuring public information gleaned from company websites and news releases into one convenient package.
Strategy & Policy
Climate Action & Sustainability
Prairie Resilience: A Made-in-Saskatchewan Climate Change Strategy
Saskatchewan's climate change plan aims to reduce carbon emissions, reducing carbon emissions in electricity production, and advancing the development of zero-emission small modular reactor technology using Saskatchewan uranium.
A Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan
Manitoba's bold climate vision is to become Canada's cleanest, greenest, and most climate resilient province.
Municipal Strategic Plans
City of Flin Flon Strategic Plan
Our Community Strategic Plan is a long-term for blueprint for embracing change while ensuring the rich heritage of the community is preserved.
Reports & Publications

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