Get To Know Us
The FDC Regional Economic Development Commission
The commission is an interprovincial- intermunicipal organization that provides leadership in economic development initiatives undertaken on behalf of three communities, which include the City of Flin Flon, the Town of Creighton and the Village of Denare Beach. The goal of the commission is to improve The Region’s overall capacity for sustainable economic growth, seek economic diversification and work collaboratively with the surrounding communities.

Regional Economic Development Officer
Emily Roberts-Young
FDC Regional Economic Development Commission
City of Flin Flon | Town of Creighton | Village of Denare Beach, Canada
+1.306.688.8253 | +1.204.681.7505
City of Flin Flon
Town of Creighton
246 Creighton Ave
Creighton, SK
S0P 0A0, Canada
Village of Denare Beach
512 Seventh Avenue
Denare, Beach, SK
S0P 0B0, Canada
P.O. Box: 70